Ministries within our Parish

Many groups within our parish work together to serve God and one another.  For more information about any of them please email the church office at or call us at 203-938-2872. We’d love to get you connected!

Geraniums in the sanctuary. Image by Eileen Honey.

Geraniums in the sanctuary. Image by Eileen Honey.

The Altar Guild

These women and men “set the table” and “do the laundry” so that we can worship in the beauty of holiness.  They also make our lovely flower arrangements each week.  This is a quiet and profoundly rewarding ministry behind the scenes.

Lay Officiants

In moving from a full time Rector to a half-time Priest-in-Charge, lay members of the congregation have begun taking responsibility for the leadership of two Sunday services each month. Lay officiants take turns leading Morning Prayer and, if they wish, offering their reflections on the readings of the day.  This experience is drawing us closer together as a community and making our church stronger.

Chalice Ministers, Lectors & Ushers

Other members of the congregation participate in worship, and help lead it on behalf of the community by serving as chalice ministers, lectors, and ushers.

These lay ministers assist with Communion, read the Scripture lessons for the day, and greet parishioners and newcomers on behalf of the community.

Chancel Choir

Our choir leads us in worship at the 9am service on Sundays, and their gift of song is always uplifting.  New singers are always welcome to join.  For more information on the choir, please click here.

Coffee Hour

These good people are different members of the congregation who sign up to make sure we have a lovely reception waiting for us after our 9:00 service. Anyone is welcome to volunteer for this ministry at any time by signing up on the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. Coffee Hour is a time to deepen our connections with each other.  Some have called it the “eighth sacrament.”

Hospitality Committee

Our superstar cooks and providers of hospitality help parish events to run smoothly.  They have fun, too, as they help us to socialize with aplomb.

Hearts and Hands

This group of loving parishioners helps with receptions after memorial services and funerals.  It’s a ministry of compassion and caring.

Care Committee

These folks provide meals to people who need a break for whatever reason and they also give rides when needed.  They are our in-house angels.

Property Committee

This group of hearty, handy persons coordinates our property upkeep chores and helps us to anticipate needed improvements and which contractors may be able to help us.  They continue to do a fabulous job; our property has never been in better shape!

Saint Francis Guild

These men and women help us to keep our perennial beds and borders in tiptop condition, mulching, weeding, and winterizing.   They contribute immeasurably to the beauty of our grounds.

Finance Committee

Our financial experts help us with budgeting and long-range forecasting.   They willingly lend their expertise to the parish and they keep us on very solid footing.

Stewardship Committee

This group of parishioners runs our Stewardship campaign each year and remind us of all the abundance and grace we pass through every day.   


The Vestry is the governing board of the parish, responsible for caring for finances, property, and for helping us to flourish.  There are 7 members of the Vestry and 4 officers:  Two wardens, a Treasurer, and the Clerk of the Vestry.  The rector presides over the Vestry. For more information on the Vestry, click here.