Christian Education at Christ Church
We are committed to learning, exploring and sharing our faith in a congenial and low key setting. We enjoy gathering for discussions of challenging books and ideas, as well as expressing our faith through artistic activities.
Sunday Bible Study
Our Sunday Bible Study meets after the 9am service on the first and third Sundays of the month from September-May. We gather after Coffee Hour to discuss a particular book of the Bible, a challenging topic through a biblical lens, or a broader topic, such as archeology, ancient near-eastern literature, or the history of a particular region, that will help us understand the biblical text as a whole.
Thursday Workshops
We gather on Thursday evenings throughout the program year for special workshops on fun, interesting, or challenging topics, to learn something new, or to express our faith through artistic activities. While always educational, our activities also provide fellowship and fun for all.
join us in the new year for more workshops!
Community Paint & Sips
We will definitely be doing this again! Twice this fall, many neighbors joined members of our community to play with paints, colors, and shapes to create colorful mixed media artwork. This simple, but fun project was guided by local artist and Christ Church parishioner, Eileen Honey, who has always loved the creative process, and loves to encourage others to give it a try! If you would like to be added to the email list to learn about upcoming paint & sips, email
Christ Church Comforts
What Does the Bible ACTUALLY Say About Gender & Sexuality?
As a follow-up to Pride month, Pastor Emilie offered a three-week Zoom workshop in July that explored scripture references from both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, concentrating on the often-quoted first chapter of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Pastor Emilie offers this class periodically throughout the year. If you would like to be informed when the next of these classes takes place, email her at
Spiritual Practices
During Lent, our Thursday evening program focused on different spiritual practices. Together, we created prayer gardens, prayer collages, and Anglican prayer beads, and explored the practices of walking prayer, imaginative prayer, and centering prayer.